Runway Reads

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Gregg Hurwitz, Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf by Gregg Andrew Hurwitz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After the disappointment that was The Last Orphan, I’m pleased to report that we return our usual programming in Lone wolf.

A mostly fresh narrative takes a break from the familiar US President hunting Orphan X arc, which still exists as a background concept in Lone Wolf, serving as the catalyst for the series. I say mostly, because some prior characters reprise their roles or receive cameo mentions as Evan Smoak’s universe is built. But most of the story revolves around Evan facing off against a brand new she-assassin and the side quests the mission to kill her throws up.

The story makes some apocalyptic commentary about our AI future, which, rather than being entirely removed from science fiction, is spookily plausible. There’s also quite a lot of “‘Merican!” brand placement in this one, with the exception of Red Bull. But I like Red Bull, so I’m okay with that one. Lucrative in-text sponsorships?

And while I’m not sure as to the reason for Hurwitz’s decision regarding the characters of Mia and Peter, I am grateful that they are thankfully absent in this one as they are “out of town”, gifting us more on-page action as a result.

Recommend. 👍🏻

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