So, funny story about this one. I picked this up at Kingsford Smith international departures for the exorbitant retail price it was. It starts off with Nathan Pike, a 39-year-old, somewhat lone wolf sort of character getting the crap kicked out of him while locked in a Cambodian jail. And there I was, a 39-year-old somewhat lone wolf character reading it on an Air Asia flight bound for Siem Reap! An omen?!
Turns out no – I didn’t get locked up. But I did thoroughly enjoy Cambodia. And this book.
The blurb says this is the first in a new series by McNab. All I can say is, I hope it’s true and there are more Nathan Pike books coming because it was thoroughly riveting.
Heavily features crafty gamesmanship among the characters who constantly try to outmanoeuvre each other, various settings in adventurous locations globally (I was going through a jungle fascination stage), sufficient tech speak to make you feel like your own bedroom hacker all peppered with the odd bit of action
I haven’t read any other of McNab’s books – and there are plenty. Perhaps I should?
Recommend. 👍🏻