Timothy Blake returns right where things left off in Hunter.
Follows Blake as he goes “undercover” very unofficially to infiltrate a Dark Web torture porn ring living in a big house out in the forest – hence the “Hideout”.
Easily the worst in the series so far. Should’ve been an e-book short story. I felt it could easily have been 100 pages shorter to save us, and Blake, some pain. Such are the demands of publishers, I guess. Still worth getting through, because the fourth book in the series, Headcase, is very good.
Back to saving Blake some pain, how much damage can this guy take? Blake is no stranger to a beating, but the violence inflicted upon, and survived by, him in this book is elevated to lofty and unbelievable new heights even Hollywood writers might have a hard time approving. That’s probably the main issue I had with this book. That and reading about Blake constantly ruminating over the same unanswered questions for pages on end. Questions a genius detective like him should really be able to solve before wheels up off the tarmac.
Anyway, there’s still enough of the good stuff that has you wanting him to win.
Recommend. 👍🏻
(But only to get to book #4)